I will make your dream come true
Denis Belomestnov —
your real estate agent
Lawyer degree
I work in Moscow region
Over 200 clients
8+ years experience
About me
Media stars, non-public people, big and small companies - I worked with all types of clients.
Supported more than 200 clients for more than 8 years, including rent and purchase
I have a journalist and a real estate lawyer degree, both of which help me in my work experience.
I cooperate with the best experts in the market. And they will work for you too.
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for a first consultation

For sellers
For landlords
For buyers
For tenants
Transaction support
Legal review
Primary market
Продажа 4-комнатной квартиры
Пер. Трехпрудный, 11/13
52 000 000 руб.
Клиент обратилась ко мне для продажи своей квартиры и вывода средств за рубеж.

Клиент был найден за 1 неделю, ещё неделя потребовалась на саму сделку.

Уже через 2 недели после того, как я выставил квартиру в рекламу, деньги поступили на счёт продавца.
Продажа 1-комнатной квартиры
Ул. Саморы Машела, 8/1
13 000 000 руб.
Клиент обратилась ко мне для продажи своей квартиры и вывода средств за рубеж.

Сложность сделки была в том, что один из двух собственников не был в городе.

С моей помощью клиент был найден за 2 недели, ещё за 2 другие — собраны документы.

Ровно через месяц сделка была завершена.
Продажа 3-комнатной квартиры
Пл. Смоленская-Сенная, 27/7
25 000 000 руб.
Клиент обратилась ко мне для продажи своей квартиры и вывода средств за рубеж.

Сложность была в том, что приехать в Россию клиентка не могла, а доверенного лица здесь у нее не было.

С моей помощью и по доверенности на мое имя квартира была продана за 1,5 месяца.
Сдача 2-комнатной квартиры
Пр. Мичуринский, 16
100 000 руб.
Клиент обратилась ко мне для сдачи квартиры после дизайнерского ремонта.

Сложность была в том, что квартира сдавалась не в сезон.

Однако, хороший ремонт и классная реклама помогли мне сдать квартиру за 2 дня.
Сдача 2-комнатной квартиры
Пер. Оружейный, 5
65 000 руб.
Клиент обратился ко мне для сдачи квартиры сразу после ремонта.

За неделю мне удалось найти ему девушку, которая прожила в квартире 3 года.

За это время наниматель осуществила мечту — завела себе собаку. Красивую!
Сдача 2-комнатной квартиры
Ул. Новодмитровская, 2/4
110 000 руб.
Клиент обратилась ко мне для сдачи квартиры в самый пик сезона.

Изначально мы с ней оценили её стоимость в 95 тысяч рублей.

Но, благодаря хорошей рекламе и фото, нам удалось за 2 дня сдать квартиру дороже.

Клиент осталась крайне довольна моей работой.
Why should you
choose me?
I don't take more clients, than I can really work with, so I am fully focused personally on your goal
Education, experience and feedback from clients - you know me better, than any real estate company agent
I provide services under a contract, this is a guarantee of my responsibility to you for the result
Over 200 clients, including may English-speaking, found the house of their dream, it is your turn now
In July, we made a deal to buy an apartment... We caught not very adequate owners ! Thanks a lot to Denis for his courtesy, adequacy and most importantly patience ! The situation with the purchase was not very simple, but thanks to the experience and humanity of Denis)))) And a special thanks to you for the folder with documents, where everything is written and numbered.
Denis acted as a realtor for the seller, and I am very glad that I managed to work with him!
Denis was always on the line, calmly and competently answered all the questions that arose, prompted what to do. Denis does strike me as a professional, and it’s been a pleasure talking to him.
As a client, I am very pleased with the cooperation with Denis and I want to sincerely thank him for his work. Especially I would like to note his principled honest approach to work. Openly warned about the possible nuances of the apartment. It is evident that the person takes into account the opinion of both sides as far as possible.
He was completely satisfied with the lease of the apartment. For two days, they conducted a review and signed the contract. The object corresponds to the information presented in the announcement. Only positive impressions of communication remained.
Denis is a professional. From the moment of viewing the apartment to the conclusion of the transaction, 5 days have passed! Denis acted as a realtor on the part of the seller. Competent, pleasant in communication, with a sense of humor. I definitely recommend his services. I was pleased to meet you!
Very responsible, conscientious, professional and sensitive realtor. Closed the rental deal for two days, without any problems and delays. Rented an apartment for the first time, told in detail, explained, "behind the pen" held on the deal. Very pleased with the work of Denis, I will recommend this agent
Denis thanks a lot. When I addressed to Denis, I immediately received good photos and advice. The apartment was rented quickly and expensive. Unfortunately, the client turned out to be a problem. But Denis did not disappear. He consulted at all stages and helped to terminate the contract. I will recommend him to my friends and friends
At the signing of the agreement, Denis proved to be a very competent and attentive specialist, with him you can be not just a client, but also feel like a friend. We definitely recommend Denis to contact us in the future on purchase and sale transactions unambiguously and recommend his services to friends.
Смотреть больше отзывов на Циан

I’m doing all my real estate transactions with Denis. About three years ago, we met when we had to rent my apartment. He did this perfectly. Then they sold our one-bedroom. And literally two months ago they bought a new apartment. Everything is always done on time, quickly and without unnecessary fuss.

Many thanks to Denis for the quick rent of my apartment. He did almost impossible - found clients in 1 day. He gave a lot of important and useful advices, helped to properly part with the former tenants. He took really cool pictures for the adv and rented my apartment for 35 000, even though I’d rented it way cheaper before. Very pleasant and communicative realtor.
Buyer’s risks when buying a real estate
Tenant’s risks when renting a real estate
How to rent an apartment by yourself?
The webcast will be available soon!
How to buy an apartment in Russia?
The webcast will be available soon!
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